About Us

Direct Jobs is a recruitment company in the UK, committed to providing unparalleled services to both employers and job seekers. With our extensive network and expertise, we connect talented individuals with rewarding career opportunities across various industries. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that every placement is a perfect match, fostering long-term success for both candidates and employers. At Direct Jobs, we pride ourselves on our professionalism, integrity, and unwavering commitment to excellence in recruitment. Contact us today to experience the difference firsthand

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How it works?

free resume assessments

Unlock your potential with our complimentary resume assessments. Elevate your career path today with expert guidance.

Job fit scoring

Job fit scoring helps identify candidates whose skills and attributes align best with specific job requirements.

help every step of the way

Count on our support, guiding you through every step of the journey towards your goals

Get the job that's right for you

Search millions of jobs and get the inside scoop on companies with employee reviews, personalized salary tools, and more.
  • Access to millions of job seekers
  • Only pay for the candidates you want to contact
  • Post unlimited jobs for free—all from one place
  • Premium job placement on SimplyHired, Indeed, & over 100 job sites
  • Hiring solutions & pricing that works with seasonal hiring changes

What our clients are saying

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Used by 10.000+ companies around the world